Thursday, December 13, 2007

Got this from the great Ross Halfin's website. Ross is one of the great rock photographers of all-time, and invited Dave Grohl to the Led Zeppelin reunion show in London this past week. I've always liked that Grohl fella. I interviewed him a few years ago when the Foo Fighters played Citadel Hill, and he's a standup bloke.
Dave Grohl tells it like it is...
Sir,Just wanted to thank you for being so accommodating to me and my cast of nerds the other night. It was an epic night, to say the least. Arriving at 10 am that morning, sleeping for three hours, heading to the bottle shop for refreshments to take with in the van, pissing like a Clydesdale upon arrival to the gig, and then the mighty Zeppelin.
For Your Life. Maybe my favorite song of the night, except for Kashmir, which was beyond spot on.
The dry ice machine.
Black Dog. Like they never stopped playing it.
Asking Marilyn Manson if I can give him a hickey. "No". Asking his girlfriend if I can give her a hickey. "Sure!" To which Marilyn replied "No".
Not understanding one fucking word that Liam Gallagher said to me.
Steve Gorman. A good guy.
Peter Mench being nice to me. Sign of the apocalypse? Perhaps.
The entire 2 hours that the band performed.
Without sounding like a cunt, I had waited to see that my whole life, and it did not disappoint. Of course, I had always dreamed about being behind that drum set, but the sheer thrill of being there overcame any envy that I may have had. Jason was fucking great. Face it, he had people like me, Chad Smith, and Steve Gorman watching his every move, all night long, and afterwards we all agreed that he played great. Just three jealous drummers, drinking away our life long dreams of one day jamming with the greatest rock band of all time. Fucking pathetic, we were.........Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for including us in everything. It meant the world to me.
Congratulate the boys for me. Hope they take this circus on the road. If there's an opening for drum tech, you know my number.