Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's been awhile since I've updated El Bloggo, as I've been ramping up for vacation. Honest to God, you work so hard in preparing for vacation, it's almost not worth the trouble. I'm off for the next two weeks, so hopefully I can keep things a little more up-to-date.
I honestly can't remember the last time I took two weeks vacation. The missus and I used to take these gonzo road trips ten, fifteen years ago, driving all over the northeast going to concerts and ballgames, but those days are long-gone. My little girls, 8 and 4, have a 'travelling gene', so hopefully the road will open up in the next little while.
Speaking of road trips...Neil Peart is enjoying the summer...

I have a ton to catch up on...including talking about the White Stripes in Glace Bay last weekend. One of my top 5 shows ever...actually one of the Top Ten...Springsteen shows would probably occupy the Top 5. You can actually see the back of my head in the top picture. I'm wearing my green shirt that I got at Stubb's BBQ in Austin, TX. Of course, when I wear it, everybody asks..." from Austin?"

The Halifax show was excellent...although if the stage was about a foot higher, it would have been perfect.
I'm off the to see The Police in Montreal on Thursday. Should be an interesting perspective, as we're directly behind Stewart Copeland, five rows back. The perspective from directly behind the stage is pretty cool. I'll post some pictures when I get back, if they don't take my camera away.