Thursday, January 25, 2007

My friend Blair sent this to me a couple weeks ago...

He's a better fit than Paul Rodgers, don't ya think?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Jesus, what a miserable day yesterday. For some reason, I had to go out, and I probably should have taken it as a sign when my driver's side door lock was frozen. Not to be deterred, I used the passenger side door and crawled over the seat to the driver's side. That's OK if you're doing it once, but after the second or third time you whack your knee on the steering wheel, that should be a cue to stay the hell home.

Aside from the lock being frozen, for some reason the rear passenger-side shock absorber freezes up in sub-arctic temperatures, and it's an experience similar in bumpiness to driving a jeep through the Himalayas. My car was telling me that it wanted nothing to do with me today, and wanted to stay home and watch football.

The whole ordeal was so I could take my youngest daughter to Burger King, or more specifically, their really cool play area-thingy. She had a great time, and as a bonus, learned some exciting new words watching Daddy pry the frozen wiper off the windshield. So, it was a win-win all the way.

This week on Route 104, it's Part 1 of an interview I did recently with Ronnie Miller, who played bass for Dutch Mason in the late sixties and early seventies. He has some terrific stories about playing music in that era, so many that we had to break t he interview up into two parts. That's Sunday night at 9.

Apparently, the Eddie Van Halen video I posted yesterday was pulled...Anyway, I'd rather remember Ed from happier days...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's January 7th, at noon, and according to my thermometer, it's 8 degrees on the deck. Honestly, if I knew about this global warming thing earlier, I never would have traded in my old '77 Buick. I shouldn't joke, because someday soon, we'll probably be seeing the remains of the polar ice caps floating down Barrington Street. I'd say Tuesday, it looks like.

Don Cherry's really starting to piss me off. Last night on Coach's Corner he shows a terrific play where Evgeni Malkin dances around most of the opposition, leaving two or three players in the dust, and the Staal kid for the Penguins (don't ask me which Staal kid, there are about twenty of 'em), tips in a rebound. Who does Cherry praise? Staal, of course.

It used to be kind of cute, his mispronunciations of the Europeans names, and how he sticks up for Canadians. But now he just sounds like your old drunk-ass uncle who hates foreigners. You're not going to find anybody more politically incorrect than me most days, but Cherry's schtick is getting old and predictable.

Don't even get me started on why he has such a bug up his ass about Sidney Crosby. Sid has shown nothing but class and maturity in the face of WAAAAAAAY too much pressure for an 18 (now 19) year-old. He has the weight of the entire sport on his shoulders, and he's handling it perfectly.

Cherry wasn't much of a hockey player, by his own admission, and he's always been more of a cheerleader for the lunchbucket types, but this is childish.

That being about some fisticuffs! You have to watch the entire video, it's pretty cool.

Georges Laracque has the reputation for being not only the best fighter in the NHL, but also one of the nicest fellas. I've played hockey with his brother, former Moosehead Jules-Edy Laracque, and he's a stand-up guy as well.

Remember Pulp Fiction?